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"I know it will hurt. Girl trust me, I know. But you have to trust me on this one... You will be fine. I know you probably think I'm talking out of my ass right now, trying to tell you that you'll be fine. It sounds ridiculous, right? I've been there, I know how you feel. But you just have to hear me out... He is not gonna show that he cares, He won't even if he do care. Trust me. It'll make him look weak, he want to be big. But he knows he can't do it so he fakes it. And as for hi new girlfriend? I'll be just straight up honest... That hit hurts. I know. It hurts like hell. You feel like barfing everytimr you see him post on her wall. You'll feel like death is the only ticket out of your misery. And you suddenly hate everyone. And you just want to sit alone in your room and listen to sad songs and cry. But look. .. Fuck him and fuck her. If he can't see that you will care and love him more than she ever will, then he isn't worth it. if he just sits there and lets you cry without even bothering to send you a text, then he's not worth it. He isn't worth the tears, the time, the sleepless nights, the head aches... He isn't worth it. And let me guess, you think he's the one. Right? And you think that without him... You're nothing? That you can't live without him? Well honey, look.. Breathe in. Breathe out. You just did, you lived without him. He's telling her the same shit that he once told you. The only difference? He knows it'll never be the same. And he won't how it but he secretly compares every girl to you... Seeing if by a miracle, he will find someone maybe ever half as good as you. I promise you. He does. And when you move on, or when you post on another guys wall, or when you're happy as you could be.. That's when he'll want you. He'll see you happy... And he'll hate it. But by then, he'll just be a faded memory. I promise.
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